
Some how Texas seems to have dug its claws into the protagonists in this tale of adventure and fortune. Our heroes have been in Texas for just about a week now, with the exception of sorta being stuck in Asheville for a week, this is the longest we have been anywhere. Its been a blur of Baggo (an exceptional game consisting of bean bags and two small targets) sun, strippers, and hot tubs, well at least the Dallas portion has been. Sean Carey a grad school student and a good friend has been our gracious host in Dallas between tests and examines of the medical variety.

Last night we made our way back to Denton for a friends birthday party and we are currently gearing up for the return trip to Dallas. Its looking like tomorrow maybe bringing us into Santa Fe to check out some hiking and some hot springs. After that we will be on our way up to hollerado, I’m sorry Colarado, Hollerado is a fun band from Montreal though if y’all want to check them out. They are sort of like a mix of Weezer, The Fratellis, and the Kooks. Aannyyyywaaaaaaayyyyyyyy… My good friend Adison has joined our ranks for our trip to Denton and then back to Dallas and despite my best efforts he has denied entry into the ranks of our coast to coast spiritual and intellectual (yeah right) adventure.

Everyone come to Coachella. Seriously the line up is killer. Y’all.


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2 responses to “HExas

  1. Amy

    I would definitely go to Coachella if I didn’t have school … and no money. ughhh you’re adventures make me SO JEALOUS

  2. Jennanananana

    i second amy… i keep seeing more and more advertising for coachella and it makes me more and more jealous of you guys… you’re gonna have a blast get lots of pics for us!!

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