Monthly Archives: March 2010

Santa Fe and a Few More Valmora Pictures

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I am currently sitting on a couch, looking out a window, past a beautiful front porch, that looks right up Mt. Crested Butte. A mountain that hosts an abundance of extremes, which Lily (our gracious hostess) and I opted to attempt with out the use of poles. Easy peasey. Despite some buckling knees and quivering arms, curious looks and a couple falls, we made it, and made it look reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy… hard probably, real hard. For lunch we sat out on a porch at a restaurant on the mountain called the Butte. After an encounter with the least personable and possibly the meanest bar tender I have ever met, we feasted on fried pickles and free water. The weather has been absolutely beautiful here and the temperatures have allowed T-shirts, sandals, and plenty of 40 square. The first night we were here we made the obnoxious acquaintence of a pro skier named Wiley Miller. Who was also possibly the drunkest person I have ever met. There is some debate about whether it was actually him or not, but he claimed to be Wiley, and had a terrific vocabulary for insulting girls.

In more serious news, the end of the road trip is now in sight. Not that the road tripping mind state has to be completely abandoned, but its lookin more and more like Coachella will be close to the last stop. I have started the application process to rivers and guiding companies in California, and have good friends in Tahoe who boast they have jobs and room for me to get myself going. Also I may have a real job lined up working with troubled teens. But no time to worry about all that important stuff right now, its time to get geared up, packed up, and shipped out, from Crested Butte to Denver. Next stop is with Adison who we just saw in Texas at Sean Carey’s.

Theeeeeeeennnnn after Denver it will be Salt Lake City, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon (Dad we need to work out a meeting time and your flight), then southern California. After Coachella on April 16th basically I will have to work my way north up to Tahoe and to some white water fun. MMMM Tim is cooking up some delicious ramen and tuna casserole. Chow time.

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Valmora and Las Vegas (NM)

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One Last Go Round In Texas and a Drive

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Granbury and Denton Pictures

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Some how Texas seems to have dug its claws into the protagonists in this tale of adventure and fortune. Our heroes have been in Texas for just about a week now, with the exception of sorta being stuck in Asheville for a week, this is the longest we have been anywhere. Its been a blur of Baggo (an exceptional game consisting of bean bags and two small targets) sun, strippers, and hot tubs, well at least the Dallas portion has been. Sean Carey a grad school student and a good friend has been our gracious host in Dallas between tests and examines of the medical variety.

Last night we made our way back to Denton for a friends birthday party and we are currently gearing up for the return trip to Dallas. Its looking like tomorrow maybe bringing us into Santa Fe to check out some hiking and some hot springs. After that we will be on our way up to hollerado, I’m sorry Colarado, Hollerado is a fun band from Montreal though if y’all want to check them out. They are sort of like a mix of Weezer, The Fratellis, and the Kooks. Aannyyyywaaaaaaayyyyyyyy… My good friend Adison has joined our ranks for our trip to Denton and then back to Dallas and despite my best efforts he has denied entry into the ranks of our coast to coast spiritual and intellectual (yeah right) adventure.

Everyone come to Coachella. Seriously the line up is killer. Y’all.


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New Orleans Pictures


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Georgia Pictures

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Last Day in Asheville Pictures

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Not a rule #4 (four) – Big things, big things.

So let me just rant real quick before Tim gets back and needs to use his computer. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and catch up with this little bloggy blog for quite some time. I would just like to go ahead and say that Georgia was beautiful. Really, I know there are some stereotypes, especially among some of the youthful dreamers I associate with, that the south is trashy and a haven for mullets and a lack of dental hygein but its beautiful, and the people are very friendly. We wandered around in the woods for an afternoon and saw a whole bunch of nature. Like an abundance of nature. We also saw a mountain that would have been absolutely delightful had they not ruined it by putting an enormous tower and tourist center at the top.

Georgia seems like forever ago now, we have been so many places and seen so much since then, and that was less then a week ago. Nawlins was a treat. We got a hotel room a short walk from the convention center and the French Quarter and hung out for part of St. Paddy’s day doing some much needed laundry and resting up for the first time in what seemed like years. But we made up for all that rest but wandering most of the city that afternoon. Our friend Ayn sent us out an a scavenger hunt that she had prepared a week in advance. Despite some sneaking suspicions that the hunt was going to lead us into a shady neighborhood and eventually to an encounter with the friendly neighborhood knifer, we pressed on. I just got to say, if you are ever down in a place like New Orleans on a trip cross country with an ill fated Subaru, and you relay this story to the locals who are wondering why you are on your hands in knees searching for clues under a rock that probably has only ever housed hepatitus, you will be an instant hit. On a trolley car headed towards the last clue we started chatting with our fellow riders who found our story and our journey to be exceedingly entertaining. By the time we exited the trolley we were trailed by the good wishes, and blessings of our co-passengers which sent us out into the night with refurbished resolve and a thirst for treasure.

Skip ahead a couple days. Currently I am sitting on a patio at the most expansive ranch, well really the only ranch I’ve ever seen, but a really big freakin’ ranch. In front of me is a nice pool and a stone arch framing a view of Texas which would make John Wayne envious. Spoiled. That’s what I am, spoiled. I love it. Tim is practicing for a show he was invited to play earlier today so we will head into Granbury for a concert, and then into Denton this evening for who knows what.

Texas: rocks, cacti, trucks, guns, horses, dogs, cheap beer, tex-mex, dirt roads, rock parks, big hats and bigger belt buckles. Big fan, big fan.


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